Nº EntregableNombrePaquete de trabajoLíderTipo (A)Diseminación (B)Lanzamiento
D.1.1Report of Kick-off Meeting of the Project and Process Quality Assurance PlanWP 1ISCIIIRCOM4
D.1.2Midterm Technical and Financial ReportWP 1ISCIIIRCOM18
D.1.3Final Project Technical and Financial ReportWP 1ISCIIIRCOM36
D.1.4Data Management Plan (DMP)WP1ISCIIIRCOM6
D.2.1Mapping the scientific and Policy Landscape of PerMed in CELAC-Region, with results of the mapping, including the identification of stakeholdersWP 2GORGAS / INNOVATECRPUM9
D.2.2Preliminary analysis of Strengths, Weaknesses, Barriers & Gaps for ICPerMed-CELAC CooperationWP 2INNOVATECRPUM11
D.2.3Workshop ReportWP 2ANIIRPUM12
D.2.4Policy Brief: Barriers and needs for Bi-Regional cooperation in PerMed between EU and in CELAC regionsWP 2INNOVATECRPUM12
D.3.1Action plan for the alignment of CELAC with ICPerMedWP3SGCTeIPRPUM6
D.3.2List of established contacts to CELAC stakeholdersWP3DLRDECCOM36
D.3.3List of funded ICPerMed representatives participating in meetings/activities in CELAC and of CELAC experts participating in ICPerMed activitiesWP3DLRDECCOM36
D.3.4Input papers for EU-CELAC JIRI SOM 2019, 2020 and 2021WP3ISCIIIRPUM10, M22, M32
D.3.5Report on activities supporting the bi-regional SOM processWP3ISCIIIRPUM36
D.4.1Definition of standards of structural support, guidance and training for supervisors across different institution national systemsWP 4ITMoHRPUM6
D.4.2Guidelines for applicants with the criteria of selection for TrainingWP 4ITMoHRPUM9
D.4.3Final Report: Results and analysis of implementation and monitoring on training and mobility on PerMed research, and Mobility on PerMed research and activity of the EU-CELAC clinical trial helpdesk and participation in ERAPerMedWP 4ITMoHRCOM35
D.5.1Report of 1st EULAC-PerMed Technical WorkshopWP 5ECRINRPUM15
D.5.2Report of 2nd EULAC-PerMed Technical WorkshopWP 5FIOCRUZRPUM27
D.5.3Policy briefing and guidelines on ELSA for PerMed (M34)WP 5ISCIIIRPUM34
D.6.1Dissemination Plan: Description of target groups, channels, promotional materials and planned dissemination activitiesWP 6ANIDRCOM5
D.6.2Exploitation Plan: Description of potential sustainability models for project resultsWP 6ANIDRCOM35
D.6.3Report of website statistics, social network usage and summary of dissemination activitiesWP 6INNOVATECRCOM12, M24, M36
D.7.1POPD – Requirement No. 1WP 7ISCIIIETHICSCOM18
D.7.2NEC – Requirement No. 2WP 7ISCIIIETHICSCOM18
D.7.3GEN – Requirement No. 3WP 7ISCIIIETHICSCOM18
D.7.4H – Requirement No. 4WP 7ISCIIIETHICSCOM18

(A) Tipo de Entregable

  • R: Documento, informe (quedan excluídos los informes periódicos y finales).
  • DEC: Página web, solicitudes de patente, estudios de mercado, presencia en prensa y en los medios, vídeos, etc.

(B) Diseminación

  • PU: Pública, totalmente accesible, p. ej. la página web .
  • CO: Confidencial, restringida bajo ciertas condiciones definidas en el Contrato Marco.