EULAC PerMed: Widening EU-LAC policy and research cooperation in Personalised Medicine.
EULAC PerMed project aims to integrate countries from the Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) region in the ICPerMed (International Consortium of Personalised Medicine (PerMed) and the ERANet ERAPerMed, as a means to widen the international scope of PerMed R&I related policies, increasing and encouraging a worldwide implementation of PerMed approaches across the whole healthcare value chain. The project will also work towards facilitating the introduction of PerMed for the benefit of patients, citizens and society, with the ultimate goal of contributing to the UN Sustainable Development Goal nº 3, that is to “Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages”.
The project is implemented by a Bi-regional consortium of 11 organizations from 10 countries: Spain, Germany, Brazil, Italy, Chile, France, Uruguay, Panama, Israel, and Argentina. Project activities are open to organizations from both Latin-American and Caribbean and Europe.
The EULAC-PerMed Project started in January 2019 and it was expected to last 36 months but, due to the Covid-19 pandemic situation, it has been extended in 12 months until December 2022 to successfully achieve all project objectives. The official administrative information of the project is available in Cordis.